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Why are work clothes are locked?

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I'm having an issue with one of my islands...the workers cannot evolve because they cannot access the work cloths I have in the warehouse. Why are work cloths locked? Definitely seems like a bug. Also, the pub and shnapps are locked...I have plenty of shnapps and a pub built.

Edit: figured it out. Thanks!

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Did you accidentally block it when looking at the residents in a house? Click on a house and click on the bar that fills up next to work clothes. I’ve done this before on accident.

June 17, 2021 | Forum: r/anno1800

My schnapps and clothing production is fluctuating wildly

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So I just got back into playing the game. I have started back into a new game and I'm at about 650ish people. But for some reason this entire game my schnapps and work clothing productions values fluctuate so wildly, in less than 5 second my schnapps with go from 200 production value to -150 fast. I dont understand why. Same with my work clothes. I have never truly been able to understand the secret of having the right production chain. Can anyone help?

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Check if your warehouses are getting overloaded with carts and upgrade where necessary. You will see a red icon over it occasionally if it is. Generally tier one can only support 2 inputs, tier two cans support 4.

Make sure your warehouses are close enough and your carts are not not traveling to other warehouses that are farther away. You can click on buildings to see where stuff is getting delivered.

Ensure that your potato farms are placed close to the schnapps distilleries, preferably right next to each. This is less relevant mid/late game where you can concentrate your production buildings for various reasons and separate or off-shore your intermediate products.

Check your ratios. schnapps is one field to one distillery. Same with cloth.

Make sure you are not underproducing against demand, check the production stats menu. Don’t over produce either as it’s a waste of money unless you are trading the excess away or expanding.

Put a fire station nearby to distilleries, trust me.

Edit: Also if you have bricks, make brick roads around your warehouses to give your carts a slight speed boost (every bit helps)

January 8, 2023 | Forum: r/anno

How to calculate exact needs per residence?

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How much worker clothes do I send on charter routes if I export them from an island*,*

ex. i have a new island with 80 farmer residences. How do I calculate exactly how much worker clothes to send them?

Another question, I went online to here to calculate exactly how much of each production I need, however it does not seem to match up with this website

This 1st website says that for instance if I have 80 farmers, I need 2.8 chains of fisheries, so around 3. however the other website says I need only 1 fishery to feed 80 farmers, which is correct?


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You could use the wiki or a calculator to calculate the need per minute, then time the trip of a charter ship and calculate exactly the needed cargo. But then you need to adjust it every time you add a house.

Much easier is to use the production overview to make sure you produce enough work clothes for both(all) islands and just ship as much as you can to the other island BUT set a small minimum stock (10 should be enough) on the exporting island. Now the exporting island will always have clothes present and the new island will get everything the first island didn’t need

January 29, 2021 | Forum: r/anno1800